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Ozempic for diabetes: A Comprehensive Guide for Diabetics and Weight Loss Seekers

If you’ve been keeping an eye on diabetes treatments or weight loss solutions, you’ve likely heard of Ozempic. This medication has garnered attention not only for its effectiveness in managing blood sugar levels but also for its potential benefits in weight loss. But what exactly does Ozempic do? How long can you stay on it, […]

Obesity and Back Pain

Obesity is a complex disease that is not caused by one single issue. Many things factor into the equation that leads an individual to gain weight to the point of threatening their health, such as the environment they grew up in, underlying medical conditions that prevent them from maintaining a healthy weight, or sedentary lifestyles. […]

Obesity Risk Factors: Knowing What to Avoid If Possible

Obesity is a complex disease that is not caused by one single issue. Many things factor into the equation that leads an individual to gain weight to the point of threatening their health, such as the environment they grew up in, underlying medical conditions that prevent them from maintaining a healthy weight, or sedentary lifestyles. […]

Health Conditions Related to Obesity

Being overweight does not only affect your appearance. There are also a number of serious health conditions related to obesity.

Morbid Obesity and Knee Pain

Obesity is a complex disease that is not caused by one single issue. Many things factor into the equation that leads an individual to gain weight to the point of threatening their health, such as the environment they grew up in, underlying medical conditions that prevent them from maintaining a healthy weight, or sedentary lifestyles. […]

Obesity and Women’s Health

Obesity is a complex disease that is not caused by one single issue. Many things factor into the equation that leads an individual to gain weight to the point of threatening their health, such as the environment they grew up in, underlying medical conditions that prevent them from maintaining a healthy weight, or sedentary lifestyles. […]

Understanding Male Obesity

It is well known that obesity has negative effects on health; it impacts how the body responds to insulin and increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, hypertension, diabetes, and fatty liver disease, among others. In no uncertain terms, obesity is a killer, and current numbers do not appear to be decreasing […]

Obesity and Breast Cancer

Obesity is a complex disease that is not caused by one single issue. Many things factor into the equation that leads an individual to gain weight to the point of threatening their health, such as the environment they grew up in, underlying medical conditions that prevent them from maintaining a healthy weight, or sedentary lifestyles. […]

How Obesity Affects Mental Health

Obesity is a complex disease that is not caused by one single issue. Many things factor into the equation that leads an individual to gain weight to the point of threatening their health, such as the environment they grew up in, underlying medical conditions that prevent them from maintaining a healthy weight, or sedentary lifestyles. […]

Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome: What is It?

In 1836, Charles Dickens wrote a novel, The Pickwick Papers, in which a character named Joe presented many of the symptoms that were later linked by doctors to obesity and sleep apnea, which is diagnosed as not breathing for extended periods of time during sleep. As many doctors and scientists do, they took an established […]



Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

To schedule your consultation, contact our Tijuana practice online or call us at: USA (619) 270-8823