




- Certified Master Surgeon: First woman in the world certified as a Master Surgeon in Bariatric Surgery.
- Over 15 years of Experience Over 15 years of experience transforming lives through advanced surgical techniques.
- Internationally Recognized Recognized globally for her contributions to bariatric medicine.
How is the recovery process after Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Immediately following breast augmentation and when your medical team allows it, you will be able to go home and rest. All strenuous activity should be avoided until further notice, including lifting, bending, or straining. Your plastic surgeon will let you know when it is safe to resume normal activity. He will also provide you with a list of comprehensive post-surgical instructions, which should be followed closely for a successful recovery.
As with any surgical procedure, some level of discomfort is to be expected. This side effect typically begins to diminish after 48 hours and can be managed successfully with prescription medications and over-the-counter pain relievers. During the early stages of recovery, it is common to feel sore, tired, and fatigued.
Residual swelling can linger for up to five weeks or longer after breast augmentation. During this time, the breasts will likely be very sensitive. Scarring typically fades dramatically over the first several months, but your scars will never disappear completely. However, your plastic surgeon will use inconspicuous incision placement to minimize the appearance of scarring.
How is Breast Augmentation Surgery done?
Anesthesia: Breast augmentation can be performed under general anesthesia or under regional anesthesia with sedation. Be assured that the ideal type of anesthesia for your case will be used. Afterward, it is normal to feel tired and groggy, but you will recover in a few hours.
Incisions: Once you are comfortable, your surgeon will create an incision. The type and location will be dependent on your unique needs. However, most incisions are placed in the crease under the breast, the armpit, or around the areola. Your plastic surgeon will strategically place the incisions to minimize scarring.
Implant placement: Once the sites are prepared, the breast implants will be placed. These may be positioned above or beneath the pectoral muscle, depending on your unique case. Our team will discuss your options with you in detail during your initial consultation.
Stitches: After the implants have been placed, the incisions will be closed with surgical sutures. In most cases, absorbable stitches will be used. This means they will fall out on their own during the healing process.
Bandages: Your plastic surgeon may place surgical drains in your incisions to help reduce swelling and inflammation. You will also be fitted for a compression garment which will help support and contour the healing tissues.
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