




- Certified Master Surgeon: First woman in the world certified as a Master Surgeon in Bariatric Surgery.
- Over 15 years of Experience Over 15 years of experience transforming lives through advanced surgical techniques.
- Internationally Recognized Recognized globally for her contributions to bariatric medicine.
What are the benefits of BariClip?
Some of the great advantages of the BariClip are that it is completely reversible and that no part of the stomach is cut off. The BariClip reproduces the effect of the gastric sleeve but with no risk of leakage, while minimizing the occurrence of postoperative reflux because its capacity to reduce intragastric pressure.
The procedure also rectifies the stomach by preventing acid from coming up, which makes it an effective option to treat conditions such as gastro esophageal reflux.
Weight loss results are similar to those afforded by the gastric sleeve, with a loss of excess weight of 60% or more, but without a gastrectomy or the risk of leakage or reflux. Everything through the convenience of a safe and completely reversible procedure. It should be noted that in the case of the BariClip, as with every bariatric intervention, it is necessary for a certified surgeon to evaluate each patient’s individual case and then decide if it is an adequate option for them. In any case, the device must be part of an integrative program, which should encompass changes in eating habits, lifestyle and physical activity.
Without a doubt, the BariClip represent another important achievement of modern medicine in the fight against one of the most threatening diseases for modern life: obesity.
Who are candidates for BariClip?
The BariClip device was designed for patients with a body mass index of 29 or above, which places them in the overweight category. This lower indication (compared to those for bariatric surgery) means that a larger population can benefit from this safe, viable option. It has the potential to help people who have not been able to achieve a healthy weight through diet, exercise or medication, but that do not qualify for a more elaborate weight loss procedure.
It is not rare for a BMI of 29 or more to be accompanied by medical conditions related to obesity, and many patients that live under these conditions have been unable to reach a healthy weight, which is essential in preventing their health from deteriorating any further. The BariClip represents a new option for this type of patients, who are likely feeling despondent due to the situation they are experiencing.
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