Tijuana, Baja California, Sep 09, 2021.

Document: Notice of Privacy based on the Federal Law for Personal Data Protection for the protection and Treatment of Personal and Sensitive Data (in Spanish, LFPDPPP) provided to DR. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, general practitioner specializing in general surgery, advanced and bariatric laparoscopy, Responsible for the treatment of data and legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V.

Directed to: Clients and/or patients and/or the public in general.

Entity that collects data: LIMARP S.A DE C.V

DR. LIZA MARIA POMPA GONZALEZ, general practitioner specializing in general surgery, advanced and bariatric laparoscopy, legal representative of LIMARP, S.A. de C.V., agrees to conform to discretion of the personal and sensitive data given by the Owner thereof, in accordance with the set forth for the treatment thereof in accordance with LFPDPPP by the staff working under the charge of the aforementioned medical professional, the workforce being the following:

Dr. Guillermo López Espinosa, Dr. Josué Torres Chávez, Dr. Eduardo Vázquez de la Mora, Enfra. Blanca Cuevas García, Dr. Andrés Raymundo Moreno.

Such workforce may be modified according to the needs of DRA. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, general practitioner specializing in general surgery, advanced and bariatric laparoscopy, legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V., and by the users of the specialized medical services, under the applicable regulations.

Both parties agree to understand the acronym LFPDPPP as the Federal Law for Personal Data Protection for the protection and Treatment of Personal and Sensitive Data and its ruling.


This document represents the Notice of Privacy under the terms stated in the Federal Law for Personal Data Protection for the protection and Treatment of Personal and Sensitive Data in particular under section 15 of the cited Law, and the provisions arising therefrom or related thereto. This Privacy Notice applies to the personal information gathered from the Owner thereof, by DRA. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, general practitioner specializing in general surgery, advanced and bariatric laparoscopy, legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V., and Responsible, in representation of the entity, for the treatment thereof.

In compliance herewith, DRA. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V., responsible for the treatment and data, domiciled at Blvd Agua Caliente #4558, Floor 6-601, Col. Aviación, Tijuana Baja California, ZC 22014.

Based on the aforementioned, we provide you with this NOTICE OF PRIVACY for clients and/or patients, new clients and/or patients, to which the employees of the aforementioned general practitioner specializing in general surgery, advanced and bariatric laparoscopy are subject; a notice by means of which we describe the personal data to be handled, kept, and made public, the purpose for which they are collected, the options and means to be used to exert the rights thereof regarding Access, Correction, Cancellation, and Opposition which may take place, under terms provided in articles 27, 28, and 29 of the LFPDPPP.

In addition, the privacy notice in question is prepared under the principles of legitimacy, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, and liability, in accordance with applicable law.

DRA. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, general practitioner specializing in general surgery, advanced and bariatric laparoscopy, legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V., may¸ in exercise of her activities of rendering medical services specializing in Plastic, Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery, as well as Bariatric Surgery, Obesity Surgery, General Surgery and cosmetic procedures non involving surgery: requesting, collecting, handling, and making public the following personal data, lawfully and according to the LFPDPPP, providing that there is no objection on your behalf when directly sharing your personal data, through the ID card of each patient, such as: name, age, weight and height, civil status, date of birth, nationality, State, Zip Code, signature, gender, address, e-mail address, landline, work and cell phone number, background, and education, career, job, personal references, family information to notify in case of an emergency; as well as the following sensitive personal data: clinical and medical information such as medical history, number of surgical operations and medical illnesses, which will be described in the following paragraphs, as well as body photographs, printed or recorded images, X-rays, among others. Such sensitive information are to be handled in terms of article 13 of the LFPDPPP; they are described as follows:

Conditions Inherited from family

Non-pathological conditions and medications in use

Personal Pathological conditions: surgery, transfusions, hospitalization, allergies, diabetes, gingivitis, bruises, hypertension, healing, current conditions illness, and others.

Infectious conditions and tumor

Information on systems

Physical exploration

Vital signs

Since we handle and keep sensitive personal data, we require your express consent, in accordance with the set forth in Article 3 Section 6 and 9 of the LFPDPPP; therefore, we require that you indicate whether you accept to transfer such data to the doctor by the name of DRA. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V., she being, in this case, responsible for the handling of data, by herself of by her employees and representatives, who may transfer such data to a third party, being either an entity or an individual, such as related companies, hospitals, clinical laboratories, and private doctors with whom they have business and/or professional relationships regarding specialized technical medical assistance, being the following:

Dra. Katheryn Michelle Solís Salgado, Dr. Daniel Camacho Melo, Plastic surgeon, Dr. Eduardo Vázquez de la Mora, Internist, Dr. Josué Torres Chávez, Anesthesiologist; Dr. Guillermo López Espinosa, Surgeon, among others.

Clinical laboratories such as: Laboratorio Clínico Express S.C., domiciled at Blvd Sánchez Taboada 9250-16, Zona Urbana Rio, Tijuana Baja California, ZC 22010.

The foregoing, including but not limited to, when client and/or patient goes to the clinical laboratory which they want; in addition, if necessary it may be required, by the aforementioned doctor and responsible party, the specialized technical service by a laboratory other than that stated, or hospital, or some professional person or group of professionals in the area, with the purpose of proceeding with the medical purposes ahead of us.

If you do not state your opposition to your personal data be transferred for such purpose, it shall be deemed that you have given your consent therefor.

Regarding the Personal Sensitive Data requested by DRA. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V., who is a general practitioner specializing in general surgery, advanced bariatric laparoscopy, and liable for the handling of data, in her own character and/ or that of her employees and/or representatives, agrees that the handling shall be absolutely necessary for the aforementioned purposes regarding the provision of the aforementioned professional medical services, declaring the internal use thereof; in addition, under no circumstances, shall we sell, transmit, or lease your personal information to a third party, except when your had previously opposed thereto. Such opposition may be given at any moment and through the legal means foreseen by the LFPDPPP.

Likewise, the person responsible shall take all the necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the Owner thereof and any piece of information provided by the Owner referred to other Owners, such as family data; the owner agrees under oath that he/she has the consent of the corresponding Owners thereof and that he/she is authorized thereby to provide the information, assuming any liability that may arise by virtue of LFPDPPP, in terms of article 3, Section XVIII, 6, 7 and 15 of the LFDPPP.


At any moment, the OWNER of the information may the request the revoke of the consent granted to DRA. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V., responsible for handling of data, by his/her own means and/or by his/her representatives and employees; as well as request any proceeding such as: Access, Correction, Cancellation, and Opposition of personal data in possession of others, by sending a written request to the medical professional responsible therefor, and/ or her representatives by having at the disposal of the Owner, as of that moment, the following e-mail: and/or addressing the physical application to Blvd Agua Caliente #4558, Floor 6-601, Col. Aviación, Tijuana Baja California, ZC 22014.

We recommend that you mail the application us along with the following information:

  • Name and address, along with any other complementary information that serves to locate;
  • Document that proves identity;
  • Concise and clear description of the rights you wish to exercise, as well as the personal data involved.
  • In the case of requesting the rectification of personal data, the supporting documents for the petition should be attached.

The reply to your application shall arrive within the terms indicated by the LFPDPPP; provided that they are not exceptions contained in article 26 of said Law and 75 of the ruling, respectively.

At every moment, you may revoke the consent granted for the handling of your personal data, so that we stop using and transmitting them through the same mechanisms stated in this document.

We reserve the right to make, at any moment, modifications or updates to this Privacy Notice, for the purpose of observing law amendments, internal politics, or new requirements for personal data for the provision or sale of our services and products.

In the case that the security is violated at any stage of the process of handling of personal data that may materially affect your property or personal rights, the person Responsible and liable therefor shall immediately contact you via e-mail and tell you the vulnerability event, so you may take the necessary measures to defend your rights. In case we do not have your e-mail account, the notice shall be delivered at the address of the Owner for whom we handle the data.

I consent that my personal and sensitive data be handled and stored under the terms and conditions of this Notice of Privacy, in accordance with the set forth in article 7 and 9 of the LFPDPPP.

Agreeing that DRA. LIZA MARÍA POMPA GONZÁLEZ, legal representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V., responsible for the treatment of data, on her own or on behalf of her employees or representatives, has disclosed to me the safekeeping of my personal data and sensitive information provided by me, are specifically for handling health-related issues and they shall be available for the aforementioned doctor and employees, within a period of 5 years as of the date hereof.


Legal Representative of LIMARP S.A DE C.V.

International Center of Excellence for Obesity

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