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Frequently asked questions about weight loss surgery

Bariatric surgery involves a huge lifestyle change. You will go through many stages and the more knowledgeable you are the better; information will help you be more at ease and ready to do your part towards achieving the best possible results.

Below you will find some of our patients’ most common questions:

Do I have to go on some kind of diet before my surgery?

The answer is yes. But this shouldn’t scare or intimidate you. The diet that you will follow is very simple and is an important part of the process because it makes your surgery safer. A good bariatric team will guide you during the weeks prior to the surgery and this includes support and information about your pre-surgery the diet.


How will my health be affected by the surgery?

Nothing compares to the feeling you’ll get when your lab numbers start droping! You can also expect to improve or even solve conditions such as:

Type 2 diabetes

High blood pressure

High cholesterol


Knee pain


Sleep apnea


How long will my recovery be?

Recovery depends on many factors, from the type of surgery to the type of patient. Some may get to go home the same day; others will have to stay one or more nights in the hospital. This is something that you must talk thoroughly with your surgeon so that you can make arrangements at work and prepare for your at-home recovery period.


What will I be able to eat after my surgery?

Immediately following your surgery you will only be able to have clear liquids for a period of time. Afterwards you will go through several stages; first you will add complete liquids, later you will add a smoothie made with a special protein powder, then purees and eventually solid food. The process can seem difficult on paper, but with the proper support and preparation weeks fly by and the fact that you’ll start to lose weight significantly will keep you motivated.


How will my lifestyle change?

It does happen that, with time, some people regain weight even if they had a successful surgery. Over the years some patients start having a lot of sugary drinks and high calorie foods, their intestine can regain a certain level of absorption and their stomach size may even expand. This is why it is extremely important for weight loss surgery patient to always…

– Stay well nourished. The bariatric patient (and all of us) should always choose foods high in nutrients and follow the healthy lifestyle suggestions given by their doctor. Special supplements and vitamins are also recommended.

– Keep portions small. Don’t let anything halt your transformation process, remember to keep your portions small, chew your food thoroughly and follow your doctor’s nutritional guidelines.

– Exercise. There is no way around it! Exercise should be part of your daily life, it not only helps you maintain a healthy weight it also helps with energy and mood.


Losing the weight that you have been carrying for years is not a simple thing. The process involves not only physical, but also emotional changes. It is very important that your medical team provide you with adequate psychological support and that your family and friends understand that you will go through a truly transformative process and that their support will be essential; this will allow you to handle the many ups and downs a lot better.

Exercise and a healthy diet will now be the stars of your daily life and will help you achieve and maintain the best possible results. 

How do I know if my surgeon is trained and up to date?

Successful weight loss surgery not only depends on the surgeon, but on his or her whole team. Don’t put your health in the hands of someone who is not properly trained in the latest, most advanced techniques. Look for a doctor that has the necessary credentials and is recognized by all relevant national and international associations for weight loss surgery; this will give you the security that you’ve entrusted your process to the best possible hands.


If you want to clear up any more doubts you have on bariatric surgery please call LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity at (664) 686-2542 for a free evaluation or fill out a contact form at www.limarpclinic.com

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Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

To schedule your consultation, contact our Tijuana practice online or call us at: USA (619) 270-8823