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Losing Weight and Feeling Tired: Are They Related?

Most of the focus when it comes to body related problems is aimed at weight gain issues and how to lose those extra pounds, whether it may be through bariatric surgery, diet changes, or the implementation of a physical activity routine. Losing weight can also affect a person’s overall health, especially if it comes out of nowhere. Being inexplicably tired can be a consequence and a symptom of losing weight is being and this can be due to different factors. 

Stress-related issues, such as starting a new job or moving to a new place, can be the source for the unexplained weight loss because people tend to neglect eating full meals during this period and if they’re not getting enough nutrients, it may be reflected on their mood and energy levels, prompting them to feel more tired than usual. This can usually be solved once the issues that are causing stress are solved or by seeking mental health counseling to help manage the anxiety that may be leading a person to feeling tired all the time.

Inexplicably losing weight is worrisome and it could signal an underlying medical condition that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor. At LIMARP®, our team of doctors look after their patients’ health and aim to provide them the best treatment possible for whatever ailments they may present. This article focuses on the relation that exists between losing weight and feeling tired, the several issues that may cause them, and what can be done about it. 

Healthy Weight Loss Vs. Unexpected Weight Loss

Losing weight is one of the goals for people who undergo certain bariatric surgeries or start following specific diets, and there are several ways to achieve these goals in healthy ways. Your doctor will review your medical history and your specific needs to confirm if you’re eligible for any surgical procedure and they will likely refer you to a dietitian so that they can create a specialized treatment based on your needs. To lose weight in a healthy manner, it’s important to stick to a diet that meets all the nutrients your body requires and to adopt a physical activity routine. Getting this new lifestyle started is not easy and it takes commitment, but sticking through it has long lasting benefits that improve your quality of life. 

However, unexplained weight loss can jeopardize your overall health and can be an indicator to an underlying medical condition. If you’re losing weight in an unregulated fashion, you should contact your doctor so they can run some tests and determine if the weight loss is related to stress or another illness.  

Feeling tired can be both a consequence and a symptom of unexplained weight loss. A well-rounded diet provides us with enough energy to carry on throughout the day and if we’re not getting the necessary nutrients, we might experience fatigue. Feeling inexplicably tired is also an indicator of other conditions that can pinpoint the cause for unexpected weight loss.

Causes for Unexpected Weight Loss

There are several medical conditions that can explain the sudden drop in weight and keeping track of the symptoms can help you and your doctor determine what’s ailing you and preventing you from maintaining a steady weight. These problems may include:

Other causes may be celiac disease, diabetes, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), among others. If any of the aforementioned symptoms become unmanageable or persistent, contact your doctor so they can identify the exact cause. You should also contact your doctor if you lose more than 5% of your baseline body weight in 6 to 12 months without changing your diet plan or exercise regime. To confirm any of the causes listed above, your doctor will order blood tests, hormone panels, or imaging studies.  

Is Your Diet Making You Tired?

Feeling tired can be a nuisance when you’re trying to go on about your day and be as productive as possible; it can hinder your work productivity, the time you spend with friends and family, and any other activity you wish to partake in on any regular day. It can usually be solved by taking breaks, improving your sleep schedule, or having days off to recharge. However, feeling tired all the time can also be an indicator of other health issues you may not be entirely conscious about. This section of the article will talk about how your diet can affect your energy levels and what you can do to improve them. 

We’ve already explained how feeling tired can be a symptom of several illnesses that provoke unexpected weight loss. However, it can also be a consequence of certain actions we may take when we’re on a diet or aiming to shed a few pounds. Following a restrictive diet can be stressful and anxiety inducing, which can later lead to extreme fatigue. 

By reducing the amount of food you eat, you’re also limiting your energy intake. This can be a reason for why you feel inexplicably or chronically tired, especially if you add physical activity to your daily routine. This can be normal if you’re just starting out with this type of lifestyle, but it should eventually make you feel energized, especially if you’re following a well-balanced diet that provides all the micro and macronutrients you need. 

If you don’t see any improvement or keep feeling tired all the time, you may be presenting symptoms of malnutrition. It’s common to have deficiencies in the following nutrients: 

Studies have found that being deficient in these nutrients can lead to fatigue and other conditions, such as iron deficiency anemia. Your doctor will test your levels if you’re feeling uncommonly tired and prescribe an appropriate treatment to regulate your nutrients.  

Consuming ultra-processed foods can also make you feel tired because they alter your sleeping patterns and energy levels. As we’ve mentioned in another article, a heavy intake of empty calories is detrimental to your health because they don’t provide enough nutritional value and the excess sugar and fat can also lead you to feeling tired. We recommend you follow a diet that consists of mostly whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes, to get all the nutrients your body requires.

While this article presents several suggestions on how to avoid losing weight or stop feeling tired, we invite you to contact a doctor or licensed dietitian so that they can overlook your specific case and prescribe a treatment that can help you overcome whatever may be causing these issues.  

Contact Us to Learn More

If you’re inexplicably losing weight or feel tired all the time, schedule an appointment with one of our doctors. We can help determine the right treatment for you. Contact us online anytime or give us a call at (619) 373-0229. 

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Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

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