The human body is always going through changes, whether good or bad, and they can be due to several internal and external factors. Some of these changes may be intentional, while others may be caused by stress, illnesses, or a sedentary lifestyle. One of the most common changes is the presence of abdominal or belly fat, and while gaining weight can be a positive outcome for some people, increased belly fat can be uncomfortable or even dangerous for others.
It’s no secret that belly fat reduction is one of the most searched topics on the Internet; from general tips, diet plans, and exercise routines, there are countless ways to achieve belly fat reduction without having to turn to surgery, either bariatric or plastic.
We also have to acknowledge that achieving the ideal belly fat reduction, which can look different from person to person, is not an easy task. Belly fat is stubborn and consistency is key to achieve its natural reduction.
In this article, we’ll talk about belly fat reduction and the best ways to achieve it, as well as more information on why excess belly fat can be dangerous to a person’s health.
Patients from all different backgrounds arrive at LIMARP® because they’re looking to improve their quality of life and embark on a healthier path. Our multidisciplinary team, led by Dr. Liza María Pompa González, offers different health services to help you reach your weight goals, from detailed diet plans to exercise routines designed according to your goals and needs. If you’re aiming for belly fat reduction, you will meet with a specialist at our Tijuana clinic so that they can carry out an initial examination.
As always, we’d like to remind you that the information presented in this article may not apply to every case. Some belly fat reduction tips may benefit some people, while others may not, which is why we recommend that you contact a doctor or nutritionist so that they can guide you in a safe and effective manner.
Belly Fat: What is it?
Generally speaking, belly fat refers to the fat that surrounds the abdomen, but it’s important to know how to differentiate when a person is dealing with subcutaneous or visceral fat. Subcutaneous belly fat sits under the skin and can be pinched by fingers, while visceral belly fat is inside surrounding the organs, making it more dangerous to a person’s health[1].
One of the reasons the latter one poses a major risk is because “it’s found in the spaces surrounding the liver, intestines, and other organs. It’s also stored in the omentum, an apron-like flap of tissue that lies under the belly muscles and blankets the intestines. The omentum gets harder and thicker as it fills with fat.” [2] This can lead to serious complications, such as metabolic disturbances, increased risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes., gallbladder problems, and in some cases, cancer.
The reasons why people aim for belly fat reduction can vary, some may be looking for a physical change, while others need it in order to live a healthier lifestyle. Whichever the reason, we highly recommend patients to take care of themselves and be aware of the consequences that too much belly fat can bring. It’s also important to know what causes the increase in belly fat; many of them are lifestyle choices that can be stopped and reversed, while others do need medical assistance in order to achieve belly fat reduction.
Causes for Increased Belly Fat
As we’ve mentioned, there are several reasons why people gain belly fat, such as:
- Unhealthy diet: This is one of the main reasons and in previous articles, we’ve covered the dangers of only eating foods with empty calories and excess sugar. Having a diet that mainly consists of trans fat and carbohydrates can cause inflammation and may lead to obesity[3]. If a person’s BMI reaches the point of being categorized as obese, it may be harder to achieve belly fat reduction on their own and may need medical intervention to lose weight.
- Excessive alcohol intake: Drinking too much alcohol can cause inflammation and a 2015 study[4] highlighted that drinking excess alcohol causes men to gain weight around their bellies. Cutting back on drinking can help people achieve belly fat reduction.
- Lack of exercise: A sedentary lifestyle means that a person is eating more calories than they actually burn. This not only prevents them from belly fat reduction, but could actually lead them to severe obesity and other health complications.
- Genetics: While it may not always be the cause, some researchers have found that genetics can put people at risk of developing obesity-related diseases[5].
How To Achieve Belly Fat Reduction Naturally
There are many ways to achieve belly fat reduction without having to turn to surgical intervention. Most of them are lifestyle changes that can be incorporated into a person’s day to day routine, and the benefits they will reap will go beyond their weight loss goals. At LIMARP®, we always encourage our patients to strive to become their healthiest selves and the nutritionists at our Tijuana clinic work hand-in-hand with them to help them achieve, not only belly fat reduction, but overall health.
Keep in mind that it’s very important to keep in touch with your doctors if you’re making drastic changes to your diet to achieve reduction. If you’re experiencing negative side effects or are not seeing the desired results, don’t hesitate to contact them so that they can provide other alternatives.
Here are some of the best ways to achieve reduction of abdominal fat:
- Diet change: A healthy, balanced diet can help a person achieve belly fat reduction. To do so, try to avoid sugar, fatty foods, and refined carbohydrates that have low nutritional content. Instead, focus on eating fruit and vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates.
- Reduced alcohol intake: To achieve reduction, we recommend monitoring alcohol intake. Alcoholic drinks often contain additional sugar, which can contribute to weight gain.
- Exercise: As we’ve mentioned, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to many serious health problems, including weight gain. People trying to achieve belly fat reduction should include a good amount of exercise in their daily routine, whether it’s aerobic exercise or strength training. We will cover some exercises that can be helpful later on.
- Stress management: The release of the stress hormone cortisol influences a person’s appetite and could cause them to eat more. To achieve reduction through stress management, try meditating or seeking professional help from a psychologist.
Exercises to Achieve Belly Fat Reduction
Some of the most common exercises that can be done to achieve belly fat reduction include yoga and Pilates, due to the fact that you don’t need a lot of equipment, just a mat and light dumbbells, if it applies. Yoga and Pilates prioritize “alignment, breathing, developing a strong core, and improving coordination and balance” [6]. Whether you look up videos on the Internet or attend a class in your local studio, you’ll notice that the main focus is on the core, which consists of the muscles of the abdomen, low back, and hips.
Pilates for Belly Fat Reduction
It’s proven that pilates is great and effective for building muscle, toning, and improving posture, as well as maintaining a healthy body weight and belly fat reduction. As with any other exercise, the key is consistency and a healthy diet, and since Pilates is a low-impact exercise, it’s recommended that people alternate their workouts between this and a cardio exercise, such as running or swimming. This will ensure that you burn more calories, ensuring belly fat reduction.
However, if you only want to stick to Pilates, there have been studies that prove that you can still lose weight without having to combine different exercises. A 2016 study concluded that “Pilates exercises can be applied for improving body composition” [7] and that being consistent will allow you to see changes in the following areas:
- Overall weight loss
- Core toning
- Lowering BMI percentage
To achieve this, we recommend people practice two to three times a week and make sure that they challenge themselves with each move in order to burn more calories and achieve belly fat reduction. When done correctly, Pilates, like any type of workout, gives the body an energy boost and a sense of satisfaction. These two factors can encourage people to continue with their weight loss journey in a successful and enjoyable way, making them feel that Pilates is now an integral part of their lifestyle and not an obligation.
Yoga is also a well-established practice that’s usually associated with mindfulness and spiritual development, but its emphasis on the mind-body connection can also help people with belly fat reduction. There are several styles of yoga and each one has its own set of benefits, from improving sleep and reducing stress to strengthening and aligning the body. These are all important factors for belly fat reduction, and while choosing to practice a more active style of yoga can help you obtain more notable results, it’s important to choose a practice that suits you and makes you feel better.
Is yoga effective for weight loss?
Yes. Just like with any other workout, yoga is an effective practice for belly fat reduction and improving overall health for people. The connection that arises between your mind and body when you start practicing yoga can bring forward major lifestyle changes, from the way we move, to the food we eat, all the way to how we perceive ourselves. This means that practicing any style of yoga can also contribute to mental health and allow people to develop a sense of awareness that maybe wasn’t there before.
Contact Us to Learn More
If you’re interested in learning more about belly fat reduction, schedule an appointment with one of our doctors. We can help determine the right treatment for you. Contact us online anytime or give us a call at (619) 373-0229.
- [1] “How do you lose belly fat?”. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323309 (Accessed June 30, 2023).
- [2] “Taking aim at belly fat”. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/taking-aim-at-belly-fat (Accessed June 30, 2023).
- [3] “Trans Fats”. https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/fats/trans-fat (Accessed June 30, 2023).
- [4] Traversy, G., Chaput, JP. Alcohol Consumption and Obesity: An Update. Curr Obes Rep 4, 122–130 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13679-014-0129-4
- [5] “Behavior, environment, and genetic factors all have a role in causing people to be overweight and obese”. https://www.cdc.gov/genomics/resources/diseases/obesity/index.htm (Accessed June 30, 2023).
- [6] Houglum, Peggy (2016). Therapeutic Exercise for Musculoskeletal Injuries (4th ed.). Human Kinetics. pp. 297–299.
- [7] Şavkin R, Aslan UB. The effect of Pilates exercise on body composition in sedentary overweight and obese women. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2017 Nov; 57 (11): 1464-1470.