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Mommy Makeover Recovery Options

Mommy makeover recovery

Having a baby is one of the most wonderful experiences any mother can have. Pregnancy and delivery transform the self and body with many changes that come with child-bearing. Most of these changes are highly welcomed, but others… not so much.

While many women can easily go back to the body they had previous to their pregnancy, many others find it very difficult to get rid of all the different marks that pregnancy leaves on the body after having a baby.

One of the most obvious changes that the maternal body endures is the gain of “baby weight”, which is a normal and very healthy part of any pregnancy. However, once the baby is born, some mothers might have a very difficult time getting rid of the belly bump, which fixes stubbornly in the lower part of the abdomen. In many cases, this imperfection can get corrected with a healthy diet and exercise, but in many others, intense workout routines and eating sacrifices just won’t do the trick.

Another frequent concern has to do with breastfeeding. Every mother wants what is best for her baby, but breastfeeding usually takes a toll on the mother’s breasts, which may fall and become saggy. A mother’s breasts after breastfeeding can also seem uneven and un-symmetrical.

Stretchmarks are a big problem too. These unflattering marks might appear in the belly, in the buttocks and in the breasts due to important weight gain and considerable loss in skin elasticity. Although all these changes are usually very normal and tend to subdue in proper time, for many mothers, the burden of these changes become unbearable as they posit for many years without any progress and take a toll in their self-confidence and self-esteem.
In the cases of mothers that carried twins, triplets or more, the skin usually receives a higher toll as it stretches way beyond its normal size.

After birth, the skin becomes very lose and excessively wrinkly. Many mothers in this condition are left with a big amount of excess skin that makes them feel self-conscious or ashamed. This later becomes a greater issue when they look for clothes that are not very constricting or uncomfortable to wear.

At LIMARP International Center of Excellence for obesity, we got you covered. In addition to the latest in effective weight loss procedures, Dr. Liza María Pompa González is proud to offer plastic surgery at her Tijuana, Mexico, center. Facial rejuvenation and body contouring procedures are essential for bariatric surgery patients who want to get rid of saggy skin and for people who simply want to reverse signs of aging or imperfections after childbearing.
Since the effects of pregnancy and childbirth can seriously impact body shape and contour, the team at LIMARP® offers mommy makeover treatment as an alternative for any mother that is looking forward to flaunt a more attractive silhouette.

Mommy makeover treatment

The mommy makeover treatment is a set of different cosmetic procedures meant for women who had kids and have been struggling with getting their bodies back to shape and with feeling comfortable under their own skin. A mommy makeover combines three procedures that cover the most frequent body concerns in mothers:

The procedures included in the mommy makeover can be combined with other body contouring solutions that adapt to your personal needs and image goals. For instance, some patients might want to combine a breast lift with breast implants, some others would like a thigh lift along with a butt lift (gluteoplasty), or few might prefer a tummy tuck with a liposuction.
If you are interested in knowing if a mommy makeover is the right solution for you, please give us a call. We can guide you through all your options in plastic surgery.

The mommy makeover treatment is a set of different cosmetic procedures meant for women who had kids and have been struggling with getting their bodies back to shape and with feeling comfortable under their own skin.


A mommy makeover is a highly customizable set of plastic surgeries. It adapts to meet each patients’ needs. But this doesn’t mean that a mommy makeover is meant for every mother. To receive this treatment, the patient should:

It’s also important to consider that any candidate for plastic surgery should always avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking and heavy drinking. Smoking and drinking posit major risks for recovery after a cosmetic surgery. If you are interested in having a plastic surgery but you are in the habit of smoking, it is very important that you quit months before your surgery and that you renounce to the idea of getting back to the habit after the surgery.

When discussing the mommy makeover treatment, Dr. Liza María Pompa will explain everything that you need to know about the benefits, outcomes and risks of your procedures. Patients should be fully aware of their process so they can have realistic expectations about what this procedure can accomplish in their physique and self-esteem.

Recovery: What to expect

We want you to take a look at the mommy makeover recovery process and what is involved. This will help you understand what to expect after the procedure as you heal.

How Long Does the Recovery Take?

A full recovery from a mommy makeover can take several weeks depending on the types of procedures performed and on how many phases they were distributed. While it will take a while to return to many of your normal activities, you can gradually return to daily tasks if you follow pre-op and post-op instructions provided by the practice.

Common Side Effects

Plastic surgery carries with it the same risks and side effects of any surgical procedure. Some of the most common side effects after undergoing a mommy makeover include:

These are all normal surgical side effects and will dissipate with time. Resting will also avoid any major issues after your surgery. Following post-surgical instructions is a major part of avoiding any undesired side effect.

Recommendations for your Recovery

Focus on Rest

In the first week or so after surgery, your primary focus should be on getting rest. Resting is very important for your recovery. Do not overexert yourself as this can put strain on the incision sites and on your body as you recover. During this first period of your recovery, you should avoid walking up and down any stairs, lifting heavy objects and walking long distances. Failure to do so may lead to a rupture of the sutures or higher pain.

Take Pain Medication as Directed

Pain relievers are common after undergoing surgery. You may receive some prescription pain medication from our Tijuana practice. Prescribed pain medication will ease your pain for a faster recovery. Take these as directed, and do not exceed the maximum dosage. If you feel that your pain increases, make sure to call your doctor so he can check your dosage. As your pain improves, you can switch to over-the-counter pain medicine.

Walk to Promote Circulation as You Heal

While it will be a few weeks before you can exercise like you used to, you will need to walk for a few minutes each day in the first weeks after surgery. This light exercise helps promotes circulation and prevents blood clots from forming in the legs.

Think of this as a way to ease yourself back into your usual fitness routine. Increase the amount of walking you can do as your recovery progresses.

Moving your legs and feet are also a good exercise for your circulation. Avoid long periods of inactivity and move around the house for a few minutes very hour.

Attend Follow-Up Visits as Scheduled

There will be a few follow-up visits at our practice to monitor your recovery and address any issues should they arise. Be sure to attend all of these visits as scheduled. You’re also encouraged to contact our practice if any pressing concerns arise.

Returning to Normal Physical Activities

As the weeks go by, you will be able to return to work and many other regular activities, including moderate exercise and swimming. Be sure to gradually return to these activities as instructed by our team. Don’t push yourself too hard early on as you’re still in a crucial phase of healing. Be patient and allow your body to heal at its own time. You’ll be back to enjoying your normal activities very soon.

Long-Term Fading of Scars

Scars will be quite noticeable for the first few months after your mommy makeover. This is normal. But don’t worry, over time, scars will fade and you nor anyone else will be able to notice them. Many of these incision areas are easily concealed by many undergarments, tops, bottoms, and bathing suits, though.


Getting a mommy makeover is more convenient and cost-effective than obtaining separate plastic surgeries. It allows for less consultation appointments, less recovery weeks, and less hassles with financing and billing. It also allows your surgeon to intervene with a more integral approach to meet your goals.

A mommy makeover also delivers more dramatic results at once, instead of having changes little by little during long periods of time. Your transformation will be accomplished much faster and so will your recovery.

With a mommy makeover you will be able to get rid of any stretchmarks left in your body after giving birth. As the surgeon removes excess skin, any evidence of your stretchmarks will disappear. Once you get the body contouring you’ve always wanted, you’ll be able to wear all the clothes you wished to return to and to those that you always dreamed of fitting in to.

This cosmetic procedure delivers long-lasting results you can maintain by yourself with healthy eating habits and frequent exercise routines, without the need of further interventions. Getting a mommy makeover can set you on a path for a healthier and more active way of living.

For many women, getting a mommy makeover is precisely the type of the boost they need for recovering their confidence and self-image. As the body feels and looks better than ever, you start feeling more vibrant, energetic, and psychologically strong and healthy.

A happy mom means happy children and happy family. Moms usually invest most of their time in caring for their kids and family, and very frequently they forget about themselves and their physical and psychological wellbeing and needs. Deciding to have a mommy makeover is a way of putting yourself first again and obtaining a very well-deserved self-care time. Taking care of your needs benefits your wellbeing and this will transmit to your loved ones too.

Plastic surgery at LIMARP

At LIMARP International Center of Excellence for obesity, located in Tijuana, Mexico, we offer a wide range of plastic surgeries. As a center of treatment for obesity, we offer different plastic surgeries meant for reconstructive purposes after bariatric treatments, but we also offer different cosmetic surgeries for patients that would like to correct imperfections and contour their body. Among the many plastic surgeries available in our clinic, are:

Of course, we also offer mommy makeovers, which include 3 different kinds of plastic surgeries: tummy tuck, thigh lift and breast lift. These are the areas that are the most usually affected after child-bearing. However, if there’s any other cosmetic intervention that you need, talk to your surgeon and we adapt your treatment plan to your personal needs. We know every body is different and every one needs a very different set of procedures for their treatment.

At LIMARP, our plastic surgery team is fully dedicated to your cosmetic goals. If you are interested in receiving plastic surgery, please call our clinic today. Our plastic surgery team will guide you through everything you need to know so you can make the best choice.

Plastic surgery in Tijuana, Mexico

Travelling to Tijuana, Mexico, to receive a mommy makeover is the most convenient and smart choice you can make. Tijuana is recognized as one of the most important destinations of medical tourism in Mexico and by having one of the most important cosmetic surgery industries in Latin America.

Half a million people travel to Tijuana each year to receive plastic surgery. Most people travel to Mexico to receive medical services because of our low prices and high-quality care. In Mexico, many medical procedures cost only a third of the market price for the same services in the United States. People can travel to Mexico, invest on airfares and hotel fares, and still save most of the money they would have spent only for their medical procedure in their home country.

Tijuana is the number one city in Mexico when it comes to international medical tourism. More than 2.5 million people travel to Tijuana each year to receive medical and wellness services, especially cosmetic and bariatric surgery, but also other medical services such as general surgery, therapy treatments, dental services, pharmaceuticals, even veterinary services.

LIMARP is an internationally certified bariatric center in the city of Tijuana that also offers cosmetic surgery for its patients. Its main focus is quality, excellence and safety. Our clinic has been certified as a Center of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery by the Surgical Review Corporation, a distinction that very few clinics have in Mexico. It has also been certified as a COVID safe environment by Mexican authorities such as the Secretariat of Sustainable Economy and Tourism of Baja California, and by international standards such as the Global Healthcare Accreditation Standards for Medical Travel Programs.

LIMARP is located in the business district of Tijuana, only 15 minutes away from the International Border of Mexico with the United States, right next to San Diego. Our top-of-the-notch facilities are in the business and commercial complex of Plaza Agua Caliente, in one of the Twin Towers, right next to the luxurious Grand Hotel Tijuana and the Tijuana’s Country Club that features an urban golf course. Our private recovery rooms have breathtaking views to the most dynamic area of Tijuana and to the beautiful green golf course.

If you are interested in travelling to Tijuana to receive plastic surgery at LIMARP, you might want to know about our all-inclusive packages. At LIMARP, we make your whole travelling and treatment experience easier with a special package that includes a two-night stay at our next-door Grand Hotel Tijuana and transportation from the airport to the hotel and back. This is the most convenient option we offer for patients travelling from abroad.

Financing options for cosmetic surgery

Our clinic is also eligible for medical financing. Cosmetic surgeries don’t qualify for insurance coverage, but there are many other financing options available. LIMARP is a registered provider for medical financing companies specialized in medical tourism expenses. There are many options available for receiving both bariatric surgery and plastic surgery at LIMARP. If you are interested in these services, don’t hesitate and call us today. We can guide you through your options.

Learn More About Mommy Makeovers

If you would like to learn more about mommy makeover treatment and recovery, or if you are interested in knowing if this cosmetic surgery procedure is the right option for you, please call our clinic today. You can schedule a consultation at LIMARP® by phone at (619) 270-8823 or you can reach our office toll free by calling 1-844-4LIMARP. You can also find us by sending us a message though our Whatsapp or though any of our social media pages. If you prefer, leave your information in our contact form and we will reach you through your phone. Our team of experts in bariatric and plastic surgery will be very glad to help.

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Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

To schedule your consultation, contact our Tijuana practice online or call us at: USA (619) 270-8823