A healthy lunch box for a healthy future

Mexico and the US lead the way in childhood obesity worldwide. Symptoms and co-morbidities of this disease are becoming more […]

Mexico and the US lead the way in childhood obesity worldwide.

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Symptoms and co-morbidities of this disease are becoming more frequent among the children. A clear example is the rise in cases of children with type 2 diabetes, a disease that used to show up almost exclusively in adults.


In LIMARP we have seen as an increase in adolescent patients and we are committed to helping them in all possible ways.

Some of the factors that contribute to obesity both in Mexico and the United States and the world are:

  • A diet rich in processed food, high in refined carbohydrates, fat, salt and sugar.
  • Increased consumption of sugary drinks (soft drinks, juice drinks, sports drinks, etc).
  • A more sedentary lifestyle.

The seeds of obesity are often planted in childhood, sometimes the consequences are take time to show up, but sometimes they are not.

Parents have many responsibilities to attend to and it is understandable that they have little energy to face the struggle of persuading their children to eat healthier; but it is one of the most important things they can to for the health of the child.


With the school year in its first weeks, we would like to dedicate this space to lunch boxes, because they are a clear indicator of the current state kids’ diets. Many lunch boxes contain:

  • Sports drinks, soft drinks or highly processed and sugary juices.
  • Cookies, muffins, granola bars high in sugar and refined flour.
  • Chips.
  • Yogurts high in sugar.
  • Instant soup.

What we suggest is that we all make an honest assessment of the content of our child’s lunchbox; we believe it is the place where healthy changes can start. Some important suggestions:

  • Change sports drinks or soft drinks for water (a reusable container can be refilled and is environmentally friendly).
  • Include fresh fruit.
  • Involve children in the preparation of the lunchbox to ensure they eat the food.
  • Use fruits and veggies in season to keep costs low.

We all run out of ideas eventually, but do some research and get creative, you can always count on some time tested favorites.


Some final things to keep in mind:

  • Try to include protein, grain, fruit and vegetables in the lunch box. This will provide adequate nutrition and help prevent energy spikes throughout the school day and helps keep cravings in check.
  • Talk with your kids about the importance of drinking water.
  • Gradually reduce the amount of processed food they eat.
  • Watch portion sizes.

Don’t let frustration get the better of you, be determined and keep at it! The results will be well worth it and your child will reap the benefits for a lifetime.

If you suffer from obesity it’s time to act for your own good and the good of your family.

For a free evaluation call LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity at (664) 686-2542 or fill out a contact form at www.limarp.com

Every great change starts with a small action, set up a call!

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