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The Importance of Vitamin B12

The Importance of Vitamin B12

The human body needs several vitamins and minerals to function correctly and stay healthy every day. Some of these include vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and de B. However, this article will focus on Vitamin B12 in the body, its benefits, injections, deficiency symptoms, and where to find it.

How essential is Vitamin B12? Well, vitamin B12 comes from the B vitamins, and it’s as necessary as any other vitamin because it’s needed to synthesize DNA. In other words, the molecule that holds the blueprint of all your body is created with the help of Vitamin B12. This nutrient also keeps the human body’s cells and blood stable.

However, there are some reasons why this vitamin is often overlooked because its deficiency is very uncommon due to the fact that the body stores a year’s worth of it in the liver. As incredible as it sounds, this vitamin is the only one that accumulates in the body.  

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

Humans must eat carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals, as well as drink water in order to keep the body alive. The lack of any of these can lead to some difficulties or deficiencies. A balanced diet and lifestyle can prevent the chances of defects or diseases, although there may be exceptions.

B12 deficiency symptoms take a year (or even decades) to manifest. The most common effect of vitamin 12 deficiency is megaloblastic anemia, which is “characterized by large, abnormally nucleated red blood cells, platelets, or a combination; glossitis of the tongue; fatigue; palpitations; pale skin; dementia; weight loss; and infertility”. [1] Although anemia symptoms may appear years after manifesting, it is not the only cause of this vitamin deficiency. Other reasons for this deficiency include: “difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 from food, lack of intrinsic factor (e.g., because of pernicious anemia), surgery in the gastrointestinal tract, and prolonged use of certain medications”. [2]

As far as we know, each body is different; each human is a piece of art that sometimes even science cannot understand. Thus, some causes of this vitamin deficiency can vary. People eat vitamins, proteins, minerals, carbs, fats, and water to have all nutrients necessary to live. Still, even if they eat protein with vitamin B12 or take supplements, some bodies cannot get enough absorption of it for many different reasons, for example: if they follow a vegan or vegetarian diet; if they recently had stomach or intestinal surgery; if they don’t have acid in their stomach due to old age, or if they have pernicious anemia, a small intestine, or stomach disorders.

But how do you know if your body lacks Vitamin B12? Well, in a recent study, researchers found that “patients with B12 levels between 200 and 300 pg/mL are considered borderline, and patients with B12 levels below 200 pg/mL are considered deficient. However, a low serum B12 level does not determine the etiology of the deficiency. If the etiology is uncertain, further testing should be done to investigate”. [6] Meaning that if you work hard on your diet, see a nutritionist, or take supplements, but still have similar symptoms to the ones we mentioned before, you may consider seeing a specialist.

Vitamin B12 Foods

An exciting fact about this vitamin is that it only can be found in animal foods, like meat, fish, eggs, milk, or chicken. Other than that, it can also be found in supplements or shots. Other foods,  like vegetables and fruits don’t contain vitamin B12 naturally.

But where exactly can we find Vitamin B12?  

And how does the body process B12? The vitamin is ingested and added to a protein called Intrinsic Factor (IF) produced by stomach cells. This IF serves as protection and carries vitamin B12 safely throughout the gastrointestinal tract until it is absorbed in the small bowel. Interestingly, in some procedures, there is either a loss of stomach cells or certain parts of the small bowel are bypassed, hindering the proper absorption of Vitamin B12. This is why it is highly recommended that all patients undergoing bariatric surgery do proper follow-ups with their doctor and comply with their multivitamin supplements.

“The amount of vitamin B12 in supplements varies. The prescription form of vitamin B12 can be given as a shot and is usually used to treat vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is also available by prescription as a nasal gel that’s sprayed into the nose” [8]. Each body has a variety of needs, but vitamin B12, natural or processed, is essential in order to live.

Vitamin B12 Benefits

No animal or plant can produce Vitamin B12, only certain bacteria can; this is why most animal products (meats) are considered good sources of Vitamin B12, since they contain symbiotic bacteria. Other sources are our own symbiotic bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract, though this source is reported insufficient to meet the body’s vitamin B12 needs.

As with every vitamin, this one increases the chances of not being diagnosed with certain complications, such as heart and blood diseases and dementia, though it is still not 100% confirmed that vitamin B12 might prevent it. It also aids in sports performance. As we said before, this nutrient keeps the human body’s cells and blood stable, so the ingestion of this vitamin is a must for preventing anemia, and benefiting the human’s body and brain since it helps the DNA cells.

Vitamin B12 makes the body function properly and it’s indispensable to ingest a specific amount of it to avoid the complications or struggles that come with its deficiency. Likewise, we encourage you to find the right vitamin B12 option for your body’s needs.

Another topic is that Vitamin B12 supplements are recommended for pregnant women or for women who are breastfeeding exclusively when following vegetarian or vegan diets. When opting for a vegan or vegetarian diet, it is essential to follow dietary controls as recommended by nutritionists.

Vitamin B12 Shots

Doctors and specialists prescribe these shots to treat pernicious anemia. It is known that after a surgery or procedure involving losing blood, such as stomach or small bowel alterations, the body absorbs Vitamin B12. In gastric surgery or bariatric surgery, the deficiency is found due to a change in the flow of the food bolus without contact with the body or proximal organs or segments of the small bowel.

That is why vitamin B-12 plays an essential role after these types of surgerys because it helps form red blood cells, cell metabolism, nerve function, and DNA production, as we mentioned. After bariatric surgery, this ingesta is indispensable, and your doctor will describe it.

Lastly is essential to understand vitamin B12 helps the brain, and the nervous system, helps the body stay active, and helps the mood. So either you have surgery or not, you may consider taking laboratories to check your vitamin ingesta and absorption.

LIMARP® is an internationally recognized bariatric surgery center with a well-rounded medical and surgical team that’s led by Dr. Liza María Pompa González, whose experience, along with the state-of-the-art technology available at the clinic, ensures that every patient who comes through our door gets the best attention possible. We offer integral treatment plans that are created based on the patient’s profile and some of them may include bariatric surgery. 

Contact Us to Learn More

If you want more information about Vitamin B12 shots after bariatric surgery, or to read more about Vitamin B12 deficiency., schedule an appointment with one of our doctors. We can help determine the right treatment for you. Contact us online anytime or give us a call at (619) 373-0229.


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Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

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