Bariatric Surgery Statistics: Numbers on Obesity Treatment

Bariatric surgery works by changing the anatomy or position of the stomach and small intestines and can cause changes in appetite, satiety, and metabolism.

Excess body mass in an obese person

So many people struggle with losing weight. If you’re obese or morbidly obese, it can be difficult to shed all of your excess weight quickly, which puts you at risk for many different health problems. That’s why bariatric surgery is growing in popularity.

The team at our Tijuana, MX weight loss surgery center has helped numerous people from San Diego, CA and all of Southern California meet their weight loss goals. To put obesity and health problems into perspective, LIMARP® has compiled the following statistics. These numbers tell an interesting story about a health crisis for countless Americans and the hope given to them by surgical weight loss procedures.

Numbers on Obesity in America

The numbers on obesity in America are staggering. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 39.8 percent of American adults are obese. That is around 93 million people.

Among American minors, the numbers are also troubling. The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) found that overweight and obesity rates among children aged 10 to 17 ranges from 19.2 percent (in Utah) to 37.7 percent (in Tennessee). Data from The State of Obesity found that 14.8 percent of American high school students are obese.

Health Risks Associated with Obesity

The health risks of obesity cannot be ignored. The CDC notes that obesity is linked to a number of health risks, including:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cancer

Given all of the health problems linked to obesity, it should come as no surprise that obesity-related conditions cost the United States at least $147 billion each year. This is one of the major reasons why more people are turning to weight loss surgery.

The type of procedure selected for you will depend on your specific case, individual needs, and weight loss goals. Dr. Liza María Pompa González has performed thousands of bariatric surgeries and she and her surgical team are highly experienced in each type of procedure.

Based on the ASMBS numbers, the organization found that the three most popular bariatric procedures by percentage in 2016 were as follows:

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy (Gastric Sleeve) – 58.1 percent
  • Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass – 18.7 percent
  • Gastric Banding – 3.4 percent

There are three procedure categories: restrictive, malabsorptive, and combination. Restrictive procedures limit food intake whereas malabsorptive procedures restrict food intake and limit nutrient and calorie absorption. 

Bariatric surgery works by changing the anatomy or position of the stomach and small intestines and can cause changes in appetite, satiety, and metabolism. These anatomy changes depend on the type of procedure that’s performed on the patient, which are divided into three[4] groups: 

  • Restrictive: The procedure consists of creating a small gastric pouch with a narrow outlet that restricts the amount of food that the patient can eat at one time. Some examples are the vertical banded gastroplasty and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding.
  • Malabsorptive: These procedures, like the duodenal switch, bypass a segment of the small intestine so that less food is absorbed.
  • Combination: These use both mechanisms to achieve weight loss. For example, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass can be performed either laparoscopically or as open surgery. 

Dr. Pompa González will recommend the best procedure for your specific situation. Most bariatric procedures are laparoscopic to minimize scarring and reduce your overall recovery time. By limiting the food intake and restricting the nutrient and calorie absorption, the patient is able to lose weight at a rate that they hadn’t been able to achieve prior to the surgery. Of course, this can only be achieved if the patient sticks to a diet and exercise plan that can help them keep the weight off and reap the benefits. As part of the integral treatment plans offered at LIMARP®, we ensure that they have the necessary tools and guidance. 

If you do not qualify for bariatric surgery, the LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity in Tijuana, MX, offers nonsurgical weight loss. Through our weight loss program, patients can work with nutritional specialists to address a wide range of obesity-related issues. We may also be able to perform non invasive procedures to treat certain patients.

Restrictive Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Restrictive procedures are very common and may be recommended for patients with a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40, depending on their overall health. Restrictive procedures reduce the amount of food a patient can eat, but do not disrupt the normal digestive process the way malabsorptive procedures can. Some examples of these types of surgeries include:

  • Gastric sleeve: The sleeve procedure is the most common one performed worldwide as it removes 80% of the part of the stomach that produces the hunger hormone, creating a smaller stomach that controls how much a patient can eat and simulates a sensation of fullness.
  • Intragastric balloon: For patients who wish to undergo a non-surgical, reversible, less-invasive treatment, we offer the intragastric balloon. It consists of placing a small, spherical device inside the stomach through an endoscopic procedure. It is performed in the operating room under low sedation and results in up to 50% stomach capacity reduction, depending on the actual volume of the patient’s stomach. During the time it remains in place, the balloon acts as a tool that helps patients learn portion control, while they lose weight.

At our Tijuana clinic, we offer the traditional intragastric balloon, as well as Allurion, a groundbreaking achievement in bariatric surgery that makes the procedure easier for the patient.

Malabsorptive Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Malabsorptive procedures restrict food intake, but also reduce the amount of nutrients and calories that are absorbed to enhance weight loss results. These procedures typically require the use of supplements in the patient’s post-surgery diet to replace needed nutrients and avoid malnutrition. Various malabsorptive procedures are performed as metabolic surgery to help regulate illnesses such as type 2 diabetes.

  • Gastric bypass: Also known as Roux-en-Y, this procedure is considered the gold standard and is ideal for patients with a BMI above 40 or those with a BMI higher than 35 with serious weight-related health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and/or triglycerides. Like a gastric sleeve procedure, gastric bypass surgery creates a smaller stomach, but also bypasses areas of the gastrointestinal tract where most of the sugar and fat absorption occurs; as a consequence, some vitamins are also not absorbed, which makes adequate supplementation a must.
  • Mini gastric bypass: A mini gastric bypass takes less time to perform than a regular gastric bypass. For this procedure, the stomach is divided, creating a smaller, tube-shaped pouch. A large part of the small intestine is bypassed and what remains is reconnected to the new, smaller stomach. This procedure requires patients to supplement adequately.

Combination Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Combined surgeries use malabsorptive and restrictive methods to encourage weight loss. These procedures restrict how much food the stomach can hold while reducing the amount of calories it can absorb. However, it does so to a smaller extent than procedures which are exclusively malabsorptive. One example of these types of procedures is the following:

  • Duodenal switch: This is a complicated, lengthy, non-reversible procedure that may or may not be completed at one time. Due to the risks and potential complications involved, it is only recommended for patients with a BMI of 60 or more, or for patients with a slightly lower BMI that suffer from severe health issues related to weight. The duodenal switch removes a large part of the stomach, creating a tube-shaped pouch. Part of the small intestine is cut and connected to the duodenum, while the intestine is reconnected to itself. Patients with the duodenal switch must take supplements on a strict basis and our team’s nutritionist will provide a plan so that the patient knows how to take care of themselves following the surgery.

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Health Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

The health benefits of bariatric surgery have been calculated in studies, and these numbers speak to the many health advantages to undergoing a weight loss procedure. The following numbers were compiled by U.S. News and World Report:

  • 90 percent of bariatric surgery patients with diabetes reported major improvements of diabetes symptoms and even complete resolution of diabetes
  • 85 percent of bariatric surgery patients experienced reduced sleep apnea or no sleep apnea after their procedure
  • 60 percent of bariatric surgery patients experienced lower cholesterol
  • 50 percent of bariatric surgery patients experienced lower blood pressure

Faqs about Bariatric Surgery

How Many Surgeries Are Performed Annually?

According to the ASMBS, there were 216,000 bariatric procedures performed in the United States in 2016. This is part of an upward trend over the years, with just 196,000 bariatric procedures performed in the United States in 2015.

How much weight loss after bariatric surgery?

The average weight loss from bariatric surgery can vary from patient to patient based on their starting weight. However, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) has noted the following level of effectiveness by procedure:
– Duodenal switch patients lost approximately 70 percent of their excess body weight
– Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients lost approximately 60 percent of their excess body weight
– Gastric banding patients lost approximately 50 percent of their excess body weight
– Gastric sleeve patients lost approximately 50 percent of their excess body weight

Learn More About Weight Loss Treatment Options

To learn more about bariatric surgery and whether or not it’s right for you, be sure to contact the bariatric surgery experts at LIMARP®. We look forward to helping you achieve greater health and wellness through permanent, effective weight loss procedures.

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