Do You Qualify as a Bariatric Surgery Candidate?

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Bariatric surgery is now considered the most effective weight loss treatment method there is and, within the context of an integrative program, it offers the greatest chance for long term weight loss. Dr. Liza María Pompa González and her multidisciplinary team can help you understand if you are a bariatric surgery candidate at our surgical center in Tijuana, Mexico. If you qualify, she can provide effective treatment performing one of a variety of surgical procedures, including the gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. The integrative bariatric program at LIMARP®️ is designed to help those patients who qualify for weight loss surgery and educate them on effective ways of improving their health and preventing future weight gain.

Candidates Who Qualify for Bariatric Surgery

Thanks to all the studies that have been made in the last few years, medical experts have been able to determine that obesity is a “chronic disease associated with a chronic low-grade inflammatory state and immune dysfunction”[1]. Bariatric surgery, like the gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, can reduce your risk of obesity-related medical conditions. To qualify, it was previously stated  that the typical candidate for bariatric surgery needed to have a body mass index (BMI) over 35, as well as any type of comorbidity such as type 2 diabeteshigh blood pressuresleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, or high cholesterol. 

However, ever since the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published its statement regarding gastrointestinal surgery in 1991, there have been significant findings when it comes to metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS), as well as obesity itself.

One of the most important changes can be seen in the parameters needed to qualify for bariatric surgery, such as the gastric sleeve and gastric bypass.

According to this article[2], metabolic and bariatric surgery has proven to be safe, efficient, and durable to clinically treat severe obesity and its comorbidities, with a resultant decreased mortality compared with nonoperative treatment methods.

Another important point is that, to qualify for MBS, it’s now recommended for individuals with BMI of 35, regardless of presence, absence, or severity of comorbidities. This will allow patients who are in a weight loss journey to qualify for surgeries such as the gastric bypass or gastric sleeve. Other parameters that can make a patient qualify for either the gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, or any other type of MBS procedure include:

  • MBS is recommended in patients with type 2 diabetes and BMI of 30.
  • MBS should be considered in individuals with a BMI of 30 – 34.9 who do not achieve substantial or durable weight loss or co-morbidity improvement using nonsurgical methods.
  • There is no age limit to MBS. Older individuals who could benefit from MBS should also be considered for surgery, as well as children and adolescents who qualify. 

Although these new parameters can make a patient qualify for weight loss surgery, a consultation with Dr. Pompa González can help you better understand if you qualify for surgical treatment. Women who are interested in becoming pregnant should know that they must wait at least 18 months after treatment before trying to conceive.

The team at LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity in Tijuana, MX, evaluates a number of factors when determining your candidacy for bariatric surgery, including BMI and grade of obesity, chronic health problems, and unsuccessful past attempts to lose weight. Weight loss surgery is not for everyone. It is best used as a tool to supplement weight loss.Watch more Videos

Do You Qualify for Weight Loss Surgery?

The multidisciplinary team at LIMARP® International Center of Excellence for Obesity in Tijuana, led by Dr. Pompa González, evaluates a number of factors when determining whether you qualify for bariatric surgery, including BMI and grade of obesity, chronic health problems, and unsuccessful past attempts to lose weight, taking into account the new finding in the aforementioned article. Weight loss surgery may not be for everyone, that’s why we recommend that you speak to your doctor or schedule a consultation with us to ensure a healthy and safe way toward weight loss.

Bariatric surgery is a serious and life changing procedure. Our multidisciplinary team will perform both a physical and mental evaluation to determine if you qualify for weight loss surgery, such as the gastric bypass or gastric sleeve.

Potential patients who may qualify for bariatric surgery must strictly comply with the preoperative phase of appointments, educational sessions, changes in diet, and more. They must also commit to a lifestyle of healthy diet and exercise following surgery. Bariatric surgery candidates must also approve a pre-surgical evaluation to make sure they are healthy enough to undergo surgery with minimal risks. Patients who smoke should quit and all patients must reduce alcohol consumption. It is important to understand that minimizing alcohol intake after surgery is also recommended.

To determine if you qualify for weight loss surgery, you can calculate your BMI by using our simple online calculator or by discussing your situation, as well as your options, with Dr. Pompa González. After evaluating your medical history and overall health issues, she can determine if you qualify for weight loss surgery. According to your condition and weight loss goals, our multidisciplinary team will be able to determine which surgery is best for you, whether it’s the gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, or any other option available at our Tijuana clinic. 

A Comprehensive Evaluation

Once our team determines that you qualify for bariatric surgery, we can choose the most effective type of surgery for you, such as the gastric bypass or gastric sleeve. Bariatric surgery is a serious procedure and it has the potential to change your life for good. Our multidisciplinary team will do both physical and psychological evaluations to determine your possibility of undergoing surgery. Our skilled medical team will evaluate your nutrition and weight history, any weight related medical conditions you may have that can render you unable to physically undergo surgery, as well as  your psychological health to determine if you are mentally prepared both for surgery and the drastic changes that will follow.

Once the initial process is completed, we can choose the type of surgery that will prove more effective for you. There are several different techniques that can be performed to either restrict the amount of food you eat, limit your body’s ability to absorb calories, or both. Weight loss surgery can help you reach your weight loss goals and reduce your risk of, or resolve, related medical conditions. Our highly qualified team will help you choose the best option for your situation and thanks to this new information, more bariatric patients will be able to benefit from any type of procedure, like the gastric bypass or gastric sleeve. 

These new parameters, which offer new insight into the type of candidates that may qualify for weight loss surgery, will allow patients from different backgrounds and ages to be eligible for any type of procedure, whether they have comorbidities or not. At LIMARP®, we’ll ensure that any patient who walks through our doors has the necessary care and information to ensure a healthy path to weight loss. 

Contact Us to Learn More

If you want to know if you qualify for bariatric surgery, schedule an appointment with one of our doctors. We can help determine the right treatment for you. Contact us online anytime or give us a call at (619) 373-0229.


[1] Gossmann, Mona, W. Scott Butsch, and Ania M. Jastreboff. “Treating the chronic disease of obesity.” Medical Clinics 105.6 (2021): 983-1016.[2] Eisenberg, Dan, et al. “2022 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO): Indications for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery”. DOI:

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