New Year’s resolutions

Each year the ritual begins. We start the year with great optimism thinking about our resolutions for the next twelve […]

Each year the ritual begins. We start the year with great optimism thinking about our resolutions for the next twelve months. The first weeks of the new year are dotted with conversations regarding our resolutions and our list seems to know no limits.

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According to a study from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, these are the 10 most common New Year’s resolutions.

10. Spend more time with family

9. Fall in love

8. Help others achieve their goals

7. Quit smoking

6. Learn something new and exciting

5. Keep fit and healthy

4. Make the most out of life

3. Spend less, save more

2. Get organized

1. Lose weight


47% of New Year’s resolutions are related to issues of education and self-improvement and 38% are related to weight issues. However, many people consider weight loss, fitness and a healthier lifestyle to be issues of self-improvement as well.

The same study found that nearly 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but only 8% achieve them. On the other hand, it also found that people who manifest their resolutions explicitly are 10 times more likely to achieve them than those who do not.

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But it is clear that making a resolution is not enough, even though it is an excellent start, it must be sustained by a well drafted plan that is based on true perseverance. Obesity, for example, tends to be the result of years of bad habits, which are difficult to change. If you lack a detailed, sensible plan, chances are you will eventually fail.


Your plan has to be explicit and concrete, it should consider your strengths and weaknesses and it must include a support system that will help you see the plan through to the end. Some of the most important tips you must consider if you have resolved to lose weight are the following.

1. Keep a realistic eating plan.

Don’t try miracle diets, take questionable weight loss products or suddenly adopt a vegan diet. Start with small but sustainable changes and make sure to add more changes on a regular basis, the most important ones are to reduce sugar and junk food, eat breakfast every day, drink enough water and chew your food well.


2. Keep motivated.

When we decided to adopt a healthy lifestyle we get very excited and want to see results quickly, but don’t be discouraged if it takes a while for your effort to show up on the scale or if you feel you’ve reached a plateau. Keep your plan tight, be sure not to self sabotage your efforts without even realizing it and do what you can to keep motivated; remember this is a distance race, not a sprint.


3. Seek support.

Experts agree that support is essential in order to achieve goals. Don’t feel ashamed of your weight loss goal, and don’t be afraid of being judged. On the contrary, share your resolutions with those close to you; discuss your concerns and your objectives and ask them to celebrate your progress and help you to maintain your resolve in moments of weakness.


4. Plan your days.

Organize your grocery shopping, refrigerator and pantry; prepare snacks ahead of time and eliminate as many temptations as possible in your daily life. Plan your trips and social engagements; if you have a dinner for example, try to eat lightly during the day so that at dinner you can share a glass of wine or a small dessert with your friends.

85. Seek professional help

The type of professional that can help you achieve your goals depends on the amount of weight you want to lose and on your general state of health. If you’re healthy and have only a few pounds to lose then a good fitness trainer or health coach can be your best ally. If you find yourself with greater challenges, you should consult a nutritionist. But if you have a BMI that is 25 or over, have been overweight or obese for a long period of time and this is interfering with your life and health in a significant way, your best option is to visit a comprehensive health care center for the obese patient, such as LIMARP.


The most important thing is not to deter from your goal of a healthy lifestyle and an ideal weight. At LIMARP we have the experience of hundreds of success stories of people from all over the world who have achieved and maintained their dream of living healthy and thin. Our team is at your service and we can help make this your best year! For a free evaluation call LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity at (664) 686-2542 or fill out a contact form at

Every great change starts with a small action, set up a call!

Join thousands of patients who have chosen LIMARP in Tijuana, Mexico, for their weight loss transformation