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The psychology behind a drastic change of life

“They operate on your stomach, not on your head” said a bariatric patient a few months after her surgery. What the patient was referring to is to the fact that just because she now had a reduced stomach she didn’t automatically start thinking like a thin person.


The psychology behind a drastic change of life is complex. In the case of weight reduction surgery, patients certainly obtain immediate benefits, as a smaller stomach automatically reduces the portions they can eat; but it is common for patients to lose weight much faster than their mind’s capability of adapting to a new reality. In this case, the most important thing is to be prepared.

At LIMARP, we give the utmost importance to the psychological part of this change of life. We know and are very sensitive to the fact that patients have spent years, and in some cases the greater part of their life, fighting overweight and obesity, and we cannot expect that in a few short months they can totally change their way of thinking about food, their body and their new reality. Therefore, the pre-surgical psychological assessment is one of our most basic and important tools.


On the other hand, studies suggest that bariatric surgery triggers a series of positive changes in the psychology of the patient, that when accompanied by the necessary support, can motivate the changes that will help him or her maintain their new figure for life.*


When patients decide to have weight reduction surgery, they can immediately feel they have more control over their life, and are motivated by the fact that they had the courage to make a life changing decision and carry it out to the end. When people begin to experience weight loss, they often feel “liberated”, the reduced capacity of the stomach helps them get rid of the fear of bingeing on food once and for all; and the rapidly lost pounds help them feel lighter, both physically and emotionally.


A new ability to engage in more physical activity, the exciting prospect of wearing regular sized clothes and perhaps the confidence to wear more modern and youthful clothes, awakens in the person a new sense of self esteem, of satisfaction in the decisions and sacrifices made; while the nonstop progression towards their goal weight motivates them to follow the indications and guidelines given by their doctor and professional support team.


The success of bariatric surgery relies greatly on what happens after the surgery. Medical monitoring as well as nutritional and psychological support are essential for patients to achieve and sustain their goals.

Each case is different and just as some patients navigate the process without major difficulties, there are those who encounter greater obstacles. At LIMARP we accompany patients closely in their life changing journey, so that they never lack the support necessary to become a success story. A sparkle in the eye, a smile that doesn’t stop, a resilient spirit unwilling to give up; these tell tale signs of success are only achieved by the bariatric patient through comprehensive care, and at LIMARP we specialize in that.


Our team is at your service and we can help. For a free evaluation call LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity at (664) 686-2542 or fill out a contact form at  LIMARP .

* http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jobe/2013/837989/

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Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

To schedule your consultation, contact our Tijuana practice online or call us at: USA (619) 270-8823